Transit of HD209458

This graph shows a transit of the star HD209458 by its very own PLANET as seen from our very own 24" Telescope!

HD209458 is a fairly bright star (visible to binoculars) in the constellation Pegasus. Its known planet is so close to the star that the orbit takes only 3.5 days. Earth is fortunate to be in the same plane as this planet's orbit--once each orbit, a transit occurs when the planet passes between us and the star.

The plot above begins when the transit has just begun. Because the planet is so much smaller than the star, only 2% of the star's light is blocked at mid-transit.

While we were not the discoverers of this planet, we can now say we've detected it from right here at Wellesley College! Stay tuned for more and improved data as this year's Astro 206 students learn to use the telescope :-)

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