American Crow, Common Crow
Corvus brachyrhynchos
Family Corvidae
* Feathers completely black appearing glossy and purplish in strong sun.
* Bill and feet large and black.
* Body and tail length: 17-21".
Natural History:
* Habitat: Forests, meadows, farmlands, shores, roadsides, river groves.
Nest a platform of sticks in a treetop, sometimes but rarely built
in bushes. Eggs pale blue-green to olive, with gray or brown blotches.
* Range: Throughout Canada and the United States.
* Voice: A loud, harsh caw or cah or kahr.
* Behavior: Feeds on insects (like grasshoppers),
carrion, bird eggs or nestlings, small mammals such as rabbits,
and human garbage. Family groups remain together during summer and early
fall. Communal roosts are used at night, and the same roost may be used
during the same months for years. Crows have increased in abundance in
northeastern North America during recent decades. Crows can contract
rabies by feeding on carrion, but they are one of the few species that
can rid themselves of this viral infection.
* Native.
* Crows are ubiquitous and somewhat ominous-looking. According to this
old rhyme, the number of crows one sees can predict the future:
"One, you'll have sorrow,
Two, you'll have joy.
Three, get a present,
Four, get a boy.
Five, receive silver,
Six, receive gold,
Seven's a secret that's never been told.
Eight's a love letter with promises three, and
Nine means your true love is true as can be." |
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