Common Highbush Blueberry
Vaccinium corymbosum
Family Ericaceae
* Leaves elliptical, sometimes hairy, 1 5/8-3 1/4".
* Flowers white, bell-shaped, hanging in rows from stalk.
* Fruits blue to blue-black, covered with whitish powder, sweet and edible.
* Height: To 12'.
Natural History:
* Flowers May - June.
* Fruits June - September.
* Habitat: Acid soils, bogs and marshes.
* Range: Eastern United States.
* Native.
* Each blueberry contains hundreds of tiny seeds. The fruits are enjoyed
by birds, black bears, and of course humans, who make blueberry pies
and jam, and use the fruits in salads and on top of cereal and ice
* "The Indians and English use them much, boyling them with
sugar for sauce to eat with their meat; and it is a delicate
sauce, especially for roasted mutton."
-John Josselyn, 1672 |