Butter and Eggs
Linaria vulgaris
Family Scrophulariaceae

* Flowers golden yellow with orange centers, resembling snapdragons, forming spikes.
* Leaves narrow.
* Height: 1-3'.

Natural History:
* Flowers June - October.
* Habitat: Dry meadows, roadsides, waste places.
* Range: Throughout eastern North America.
* Introduced.

* Other names for Butter-and-Eggs include Bread-and-Butter and Toadflax.

* "It is the most hurtful plant to our pastures that can grow in our northern climate. Neither the spade, plough, nor hoe can eradicate it when it is spread in pasture. Every little fibre that is left will soon increase prodigiously; nay, some people have rolled great heaps of logs upon it, and burnt them to ashes...yet it put up again, as fresh as ever."
-John Bartram, in A brief account of those plants that are most troublesome in our pastures and fields, in Pennsylvania; most of which were brought from Europe, 1758.

* "It is rather rich-colored, with a not disagreeable scent. It is called a troublesome weed. Flowers must not be too profuse nor obtrusive; else they acquire the reputation of weeds."
-Henry David Thoreau, 1852


Created by: Allaire Diamond and Jiasuey Hsu
Maintained by: Nick Rodenhouse
Created: July 31, 1998
Last Modified: November 21, 2008