Mountain Camellia
Stewartia ovata
Family Theaceae

* Leaves elliptic, toothed, hairy beneath, 5-6".
* Flowers creamy white, becoming pale yellow toward center, 2-3". Anthers orange.
* Fruits dry and round.
* Height: To 15'.

Natural History:
* Flowers May - August.
* Habitat: Lowlands and mountain forests. Often planted as an ornamental plant.
* Range: Southeastern United States.
* Native.

* Mountain Camellia is also called Mountain Stewartia. It was first cultivated in 1800. Specimens of this beautiful tree can be found in Wellesley's Hunnewell Arboretum.

* Linnaeus named this tree after John Stuart, the Earl of Bute, who worked with plants at London's Kew Gardens.


Created by: Allaire Diamond and Jiasuey Hsu
Maintained by: Nick Rodenhouse
Created: July 31, 1998
Last Modified: November 21, 2008