Red Clover
Triflorium pratense
Family Leguminosae
* Flowers red or pink, multiple, in a rounded head.
* Pale white arrow-shaped marks on leaves. Unlike white clover, flowers
and leaves are on the same stalk.
* Height: 6-16".
Natural History:
* Flowers May - September.
* Habitat: Meadows, lawns, roadsides.
* Range: Throughout the United States.
* Native.
* Red clover is the state flower of Vermont.
* It has been called Real Sweet Clover in Massachusetts and
Maine. The reason for this, well, descriptive title? Nectar can
be sucked from the flowers.
* "The medow Trefoile (especially that with the blacke half
moon upon the leaf) stamped with a little honie, takes away the
pin and web in the eies, ceasing the pain and inflammation thereof,
if it be strained and dropped therein."
-John Gerard, 1633
* Clovers fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and are often grown
in pastures with grasses such as timothy because the clover is
a good source of protein for grazing animals. Clover also aids
the growth of the grass by increasing the nitrogen content of
the soil. |