
Lysimachia quadrifolia
Family Primulaceae

* Flowers yellow, dotted red in the center.
* Flowers and leaves usually in whorls of 4, sometimes 3 or 6.
* Leaves ovate with long-pointed tips.
* Height: 1-3'.

Natural History:
* Flowers June - August.
* Habitat: Open woods, thickets, meadows, lake and sea shores.
* Range: Northeastern and north-central United States.
* Native.

* Lysimachia is a classical plant name. It comes from either the Greek lusimakhos, 'ending strife,' or from the name of a king of Thrace, Lysimakhos, or from both of these words. The Greek Dioscorides called the "flower red, or of a golden color."

* In Massachusetts, Whorled Loosestrife has been called Liberty-Tea or Wild-Tea. Why? In 1898, the Essex Antiquarian printed an explanation. "With the Revolution came the refusal to drink the tea of commerce, and our four-leaved loosestrife, being dried and steeped was used in its stead. This was known as 'Liberty-Tea'".

* Though they share a common name and are often confused, Whorled Loosestrife and Purple Loosestrife are not of the same genus.


Created by: Allaire Diamond and Jiasuey Hsu
Maintained by: Nick Rodenhouse
Created: July 31, 1998
Last Modified: November 21, 2008