Black Walnut
Juglans nigra
Family Juglandaceae

* Leaves opposite compound, 12-24", with 7-17 toothed, narrow leaflets. The single end leaflet is usually absent. Crushed leaves have a spicy aroma.
* Bark dark, not shiny, with deep grooves.
* Nuts large, in a spherical husk.
* Flowers catkins.
* Height: 70-100'.

Natural History:
* Flowers April - June.
* Fruits October - November.
* Habitat: Woodlands.
* Range: Eastern North America.
* Native.

* Black walnut is highly valued for its beauty, strength, durability, and ease of working. It is made into veneers, cabinets, and gunstocks, among other things. Unfortunately, the value placed on the trees has resulted in their near extermination in some parts of North America.

* An old black walnut tree can yield up to 90,000 square feet of 1/28" thick wood veneer, which is used to decorate furniture. The veneer is prized because of the beautiful and intricate patterns, resembling feathers and flames, in the wood's grain.

* Black walnut husks contain toxins and were once used to kill fish...until that illustrious practice became illegal. The toxins are so powerful that tomatoes, apples, and some other species cannot grow near large black walnut trees.


Created by: Allaire Diamond and Jiasuey Hsu
Maintained by: Nick Rodenhouse
Created: July 31, 1998
Last Modified: November 21, 2008