Econ 223


Final Presentation

See Schedule of Presentation for the time of your presentation.

 By 5PM on Sunday, November 21, you are required to send your Advisor a copy of:  (1) your Master Spreadsheet, & (2) your current description of their prototype (a revised version of Assignment 1).

Twenty-four hours before your presentation you are required to send your Advisor: (1) your 1-3 questions regarding your prototype, and (3) a draft of the presentation materials you will use.

        Your class Presentation will have three parts.

  (1) At the beginning of your Presentation, you will briefly share with the Class what you learned from reviewing your credit report (ordered earlier in the semester).  Personal financial information need not be identified, rather what you learned from the obtaining & reviewing the credit report.  (2 minutes)

  (2) The second part of your presentation should effectively communicate to the class the two or three major things you learned as you explored the finances of your prototype family. (10 minutes)

    (3) In the final part of your presentation, you should pose one to three important questions for your prototype family that you would like your Advisor to help you answer.  (3 minutes)


© Ann Dryden Witte, 2006