ARTS 255 Dynamic Interface Design  

Project #2.5: Collaboration

In this assignment you will create a proposal for a non-traditional interactive interface

On the Tuesday, one week from next, you must have an outline of your proposal and a plan to present it. You must include the folowing in your final proposal:

• A place where your piece will be exhibited. Can be anywhere in the world, but a specific place on campus might be easier to collaborate on.

• At least five fully rendered sketches that clearly show how the piece will function.

• A one minute video or flash file that demonstrates the interactive elements of your installation.

• A one page artist statement that explains the concept behind the piece.

• You will present the proposal as a group on the due date. The presentation must be between 15 and 20 minutes.

-You may checkout the digital cameras in the 4th flr. JAC Cage, which have manual settings and a very good lens.
>Bring for next class: some ideas, some questions, some sketches, some photos

Reference text and tutorials:
Reference text and tutorials:
•I posted many example on tumblr to help you think about non-traditional ways one might interact with technology. Think about all your senses and how there might be better ways to show a concept or idea.

• Please turn in your .fla file of your project, as well as a high quality 800x600 jpg to the location designated by Prof. Olsen.
• Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".fla, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg


Assignment Details:
  • Tips:
    • Be sure to start early so you can bring your questions and problems to office hours.
    • Name your layers as soon as you create them. It'll be much easier than changing them all later. Make sure the names you choose are simple and easy to type. When you need to pick one little part of a complex image, it is MUCH easier to pick it by name than with the mouse.
    • Take the time to learn the keyboard shortcuts.
    • Last but not least - save EARLY and save OFTEN!
    •Be as creative as you want!
