Math 205
Graded Problem #1A
Due 5 p.m. Fri Feb 13

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Instructions and suggestions

As was announced in class, the first graded problem can be found at the end of Chapter 12, on pages 603 and 604. It is called "Project 1. A Heater in a Room".

After you have figured out how to solve the various parts of the problem, you will need to write up your solutions, explaining your reasoning. You should include a photocopy (or handmade copy, if you prefer) of Figure 12.92, the figure used in the statement of the problem, and, for each part of the problem, you should include the stated question or problem as it appears in the text. Your solutions should be written in standard English. You will, of course, use mathematical symbols, expressions, and equations, perhaps some graphs or diagrams, but you should do so within the framework of standard English (paragraphs, sentences that begin with capital letters and end with periods, and so forth).

Handwritten solutions (pen or pencil) are fine, but they should be readily legible and they should be dark enough to yield easily readable photocopy.

I suggest you collaborate in groups of two or three, but you should each write up your solutions on your own.

Start on this assignment as soon as possible.

You may discuss this assignment with anyone or consult other source materials. Acknowledge useful conversations that you have with anyone, including those in your group, and acknowledge sources other than the course text. You must, of course, write each solution on your own.

Note that you should include a copy of the following checklist with your writeup. Use this checklist yourself before you submit your graded problem to me.

Feel free to see me with questions! Questions by e-mail or in MATH205-1-F03 Q&A are also welcome.

Checklist for GP1.

  1. Your name? Names of your collaborators?
  2. Date? Title? (Graded Problem 1 - Chapter 12)
  3. All sources of assistance/inspiration acknowledged?
  4. Pages in correct order?
  5. Pages numbered?
  6. Pages stapled together?
  7. Easily legible and gives readable photocopy?
  8. Each part of the problem includes a statement of the problem? Copy of Diagram 12.92 included?
  9. Ample margins? Space between parts?
  10. Spelling correct?
  11. Solutions written in complete sentences, properly punctuated?
  12. Mathematical notation used correctly?
  13. Enough explanation/detail so a classmate (who has not solved the problem) can follow your solution?
  14. Conclusions clearly and completely stated?


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