How do I contact the instructor?

Office: SC 370
Ext: 3131
E-mail username: asontag (Alexia Sontag)
Class conference on FirstClass: MATH205-3-S04 

When and where does the course meet?
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, from 2:50 to 4:00, in SC 380.

What text? Which portions of the text?

Multivariable Calculus, 3rd edition, by William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallet, Andrew M. Gleason, et al., John Wiley & Sons, Ind., New York, 2002. (Copies are on reserve in the Science Library). We will cover most of Chapters 12 - 18. If time allows, we may also cover parts of Chapters 19-20.

Chapter 12: Functions of Several Variables
Chapter 13: Vectors
Chapter 14: Differentiating Functions of Several Variables
Chapter 15: Optimization
Chapter 16: Integrating Functions of Several Variables
Chapter 17: Parametrization and Vector Fields
Chapter 18: Line Integrals
[Chapter 19: Flux Integrals]
[Chapter 20: Calculus of Vector Fields]

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What's required and how much does it count?

Daily work, including homework and class: approximately 10 % of course grade
Quizzes: approximately 15% of course grade
Graded Problem Assignments: approximately 15% of course grade
Tests: approximately 30% of course grade
Final Examination: approximately 30% of course grade

Homework problems will be due most Mondays and Thursdays at class time. These will be checked off, but not graded. They should serve as an important tool for you to learn the basic course material. In many cases solutions will be supplied. In all cases, please feel free to see me with any questions that you have on the homework. I encourage you to work together on the homework assignments, but each of you should write your own solutions. Daily work also includes regular attendance and engaged participation in class.

Short, take-home, closed-book quizzes will be due on several Wednesdays. Quiz 1 will be due Wednesday February 11.

There will also be graded problem assignments, each with a due date announced at least a week in advance. The first graded problem assignment will be due Friday, February 13, by 5 p.m.

There will be two in-term tests and a cumulative final, all closed-book. The final exam will be administered through the self-scheduled exam system.

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Open Office Hours (subject to occasional change)

Monday 4:30 - 7 p.m. (except Feb 9 and Fri/Mon Feb 20)
Tuesday 11:20 - 12:20 beginning March 2.
Wednesday 2:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (except April 14 and Ruhlman Wednesday)
Thursday 4:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (except Apr 1 and Apr 24)
Office Hours also by appointment and/or chance

I am happy to work with individual students, so don't hesitate to come see me. If you find that you wish to see me and can't come during office hours or wish to have an individual appointment, just let me know and we'll arrange something.

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What other resources are available?

On SC Library reserve: Text, Student Solution Manual (with solutions for selected problems) and Instructor's Solution Manual (with answers for most problems). Perhaps some occasional readings.

Math Help Room: Sun - Thurs from 7 - 9 p.m. in SC 362. Will begin Sunday, January 31.The evenings when a student assistant specifically associated with Math 205 will be there are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, so those will usually be the best nights to seek help. The assistant assigned to our section of Math 205 will be there on Mondays. On the other evenings the assistants will also help you as well as they can.

Office Hours with Student Assistant: The student assistant for our section of Math 205 will hold office hours in SC 362 every ???

FirstClass conference: Asking questions on the FirstClass conference for this course (Math205-3-S04) is a good way to ask quick questions or share ideas. The main conference will have a subconference titled "Q&A", which is where you should post questions. I will check Q&A fairly regularly and respond to any questions that haven't already been answered by others. There will also be a subconference titled "HearYe!" where I will post announcements for the class. You should be sure to read all announcements posted in the HearYe! subconference.

In Math Dept corridor (outside SC 362): Lots of old calculus books. Good source for extra problems or alternate explanations or review of things you want to refresh your memory on. To sign a book out, just write your name on the posted list.

Other students in the class. Most students find it helpful to form study groups. I encourage you to do this and may require that you work with others on certain assignments.

LTC Tutors: Contact the Learning and Teaching Center to get a tutor assignment form, then see instructor.

Note: Students with disabilities who are taking this course and who need disability-related accommodations should speak with me as soon as possible. Barbara Boger, Director of Programs for the Learning and Teaching Center, and James Wice, Director of Disability Services are available to assist students in arranging these accommodations. More information is available at the Disability Services Home Page on the CWIS (http://new.wellesley.eduDisabilityServices/DShome.html).
Students who may need accommodations because of religious obligations should also speak with me as soon as possible.

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