Bevil Conway with GB, Joanne Rathe, Boston Globe (photo)

Photo credit: Joanne Rathe, the Boston Globe


The following are photos of sculpture from the solo show, "FACTS", at Byerly Hall, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard (2010/2011), reviewed here

Conway GB1

Conway GB2

Conway GB3

Conway GB4

Conway GB5

The following sculptures are from the show, "Flux", at the Boyden Gallery, St. Mary's College (2014/015), now on semi-permanent exhibit at the NIH, Bethesda MD



Conway Green Grid2

Conway Magenta

Conway Magenta

Conway Purple

Conway Purple

Conway Yelloe

Conway Yellow


The following sculptures are from the solo show, "EVIDENCE", at Trinity College (2015/016)


Conway Linen

Conway Linen

Conway Purple

Conway Purple


Conway Aqua

Conway Aqua

Conway Aqua

Conway M2

Conway M2

Conway GB

photographs by Stewart Clements