
This site provides access to the outputs of a photoabsorption cross section model developed at the Australian National University (ANU). The website has been constructed to support a variety of applications requiring high-resolution N2 cross sections in the vacuum ultraviolet. A specific goal is to support the interpretation of atmospheric and astronomical observations and models, and the organization of the website is tailored to those needs. The design and maintenance of this web-based resource is supported by grants from the NASA Planetary Atmospheres Program and by the Australian Research Council.
Photoabsorption cross sections for three molecular nitrogen isotopologues – 14N2, 14N15N, and 15N2 – are available for download. The cross sections, currently spanning the 100,000 to 105,000 cm-1 (95.24 to 100.00 nm) spectral region, are presented in 0.01 cm-1 (~1 × 10-5 nm) increments. The cross sections are computed at a range of temperatures from 0 K to 300 K. They are derived from a coupled Schrödinger equation (CSE) model of the relevant electronic states, developed by Brenton Lewis and colleagues at the Australian National University. The model parameters are optimized to reproduce a large experimental database of line positions, oscillator strengths, and line widths.
Navigation through the website is most directly accomplished through the links at the top of each page. A summary of the spectroscopy underlying the CSE model is presented in Spectroscopic Information. Literature references, both for the model and for the experimental database, are available in References. Downloadable files and images can be accessed via Downloads |