Flipping component to back of board shrinks pad size

If I place an element on the top side of the board, then flip it to the back side of the board (by pressing "B"), the pad shape is altered.

If, instead, I rotate the component by 90 degrees before flipping it to the backside, the pad shape is unchanged. I can then rotate the component on the back-side without any change to the pad size.

For what it's worth, when I click and drag the component on the back side (the component with the wrong pad shape), the red outline of the dragged object shows the correct pad dimensions.

Here's a screen grab of a minimal example of this problem.

The top left element is the element as originally placed on the top layer. The top-right element is a copy of the first element flipped to the back of the board (notice smaller pads).

The bottom left element is a copy of the original element, rotated 90 degrees. The bottom right element is a copy of the rotated element flipped to the back of the board.

The footprint is the standard 1206.fp from the default share/pcb/pcb-newlib/geda/ directory. My version of PCB is v1.99z running on debian.

Ahhh, just before posting this, I see that if I close PCB and then re-open the file, the problem goes away (i.e. all pads are the right size). So I can work around it, but still, I figured it would be good to document this issue.