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Turning off link underlining in Dreamweaver 3 and 4

There may be times when you want to have links appear on your Web page without the default underlining. There are two ways to do this. You can remove link underlining for individual links on a page, or you can remove link underlining for all links on a page.

Removing underlining for individual links
Removing underlining for all links on a page

Removing underlining for individual links
The tag style="text-decoration:none" removes underlining for any link to which it is applied.

To remove link underlining for individual links on your page:

1Open in Dreamweaver the document that contains the link from which you want to remove link underlining.
2Select the link.
3Choose Window > HTML Source to open the HTML source window.
4Add the style tag after the a href tag for the selected link.
Example: <a href="info.html" style="text-decoration:none">
The link appears on your Web page without an underline, but all the other links on the page are still underlined.
Removing underlining for all links on a page
If you don't want any links in your web page to be underlined, you can add a style type into the head of your HTML.

To remove underlining from all links on a page:

1Open in Dreamweaver the document from which you want to remove all link underlining.
2Choose Window > HTML Source to open the HTML source window.
3Paste the following in the HEAD area of the HTML source code:

<style type="text/css"><!--a:link {text-decoration: none}a:visited {text-decoration: none}a:active {text-decoration: none}a:hover {text-decoration: underline}--></style>
All of your links appear without underlining.

Emily Ricketts

Emily Ricketts is a technical writer in the Dreamweaver documentation team.

link, remove, style, underline

17 April 2000