MARCH 3 Dissecting the Cat: How Deng Xiaoping Changed China

“Black Cat – White Cat” Cocktail
Served at the Red Capital Club, Beijing

Kahlua layered with fresh milk and Cointreau, Warning: excessive intake may inhibit one’s ability to catch mice!


*Blecher, ch. 3.

Review the following readings from POL2 208:

*Jiang Zemin, "Hold High the Great Banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory for an All-round Advancement of the Cause of Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics to the 21st Century"Report at the 15th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China. Introduction, Part III, and Part IV. September 12, 1997. LINK

* Merle Goldman. "The Reassertion of Political Citizenship in the Post-Mao Era: The Democracy Wall Movement." in Changing Meanings of Citizenshipin Modern China. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U Press, 2002. Ppp. 159-186.(ER)

*Read one of the following:

*Andrew Nathan & Perry Link, The Tiananmen Papers (excerpts), from ForeignAffairs, Jan.-Feb. 2001. LINK

*Deng Xiaoping, "Address to Officers at the Rank of General and Abovein Command of the Troops Enforcing Martial Law in Beijing," June 9, 1989. LINK (NOTETHE DATE)

*Michel Oksensberg, "Confessions of a China Watcher: Why No One Predicted the Bloodbath in Beijing," Newsweek, June 19, 1989. LINK (NOTETHE DATE)

* READAT LEAST ONE OF THE ESSAYS IN David Shambaugh, ed., Deng Xiaoping:Portrait of a Chinese Statesman. DS778.T39 D46 1995. Also available as "DengXiaoping: An Assessment", The ChinaQuarterly, No. 135, Special Issue, Sept., 1993. JSTOR


A. Overviews

"Remembering Deng," PBS NewsHour, February 19, 1997. LINK

"100th Anniversary of the Birth of Deng Xiaoping," People's Daily On-line, September 2004. Link

B. Bai Hua, Hai Deng! (say it, don't read it...)

Baum, Burying Mao, ch. 2. (ER)

Jan Wong, Red China Blues, ch., 11, DS779.2 .W65 1996 (ER)

Dorothy Grouse Fontana, "Background to the Fall of Hua Guofeng," Asian Survey, Vol. 22, No. 3. (Mar., 1982), pp. 237-260. JSTOR

Graham Young," One Step Forward...," The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, No. 4. (Jul., 1980), pp. 185-191. JSTOR

Maurice Meisner, The Deng Xiaoping Era: An Inquiry into the Fate of Chinese Socialism, 1978-1994, ch. 3., DS779.26 .M45 1996

Selections from Chinese Politics: Documents and Analysis, Volume 3: The Death of Mao (1976) to the Fall of Hua Kuo-feng (1980), edited by James T. Myers, Jürgen Domes, and , Milton D. Yeh. q DS777.547 .C47 1986  3

C. Deng Xiaoping Theory

Feng Chen, "An Unfinished Battle in China: The Leftist Criticism of the Reform and the Third Thought Emancipation," The China Quarterly, No. 158. (Jun., 1999), pp. 447-467. LINK

Yan Sun, Chinese Reassessment of Socialism, chs. 1, 10. Ebrary

D. Origins of the Reforms

Joseph Fewsmith, Dilemmas of Reform in China: Political Conflict and Economic Debate, chs. 1-2

Joseph Fewsmith, "The Dengist Reforms in Historical Perspective," in Brantly Womack, ed., Contemporary Chinese Politics in Historical Perspective, pp. 23-52.

E. Democracy Movements Before Tiananmen

Wei Jingsheng, "The Fifth Modernization." LINK

Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard, "The Democracy Movement in China, 1978-1979: Opposition Movements, Wall Poster Campaigns, and Underground Journals," Asian Survey, Vol. 21, No. 7. (Jul., 1981), pp. 747-774. JSTOR

Stanley Rosen, "China in 1987: The Year of the Thirteenth Party Congress," Asian Survey, Vol. 28, No. 1, A Survey of Asia in 1987: Part I. (Jan., 1988), pp. 35-51. JSTOR

Julia Kwong, "The 1986 Student Demonstrations in China: A Democratic Movement?", Asian Survey, Vol. 28, No. 9. (Sep., 1988), pp. 970-985. JSTOR

F. The June 4th Movement and the "Tiananmen Square Massacre"

BACKGROUND (for those who didn't take POL2 208): Orville Schell, et. al., The Tiananmen Square Demonstrations and the Beijing Massacre,” in Schell and Shambaugh, eds. The China Reader: The Reform Era. (in "Other Readings" folder of course conference)

F. Deng's "Southern Tour" (Nanxuan) -- Reform Rekindled

Deng Xiaoping, "Excerpts from Talks Given in Wuchang, Shenzhen Zhuhai, and Shanghai," January 18 - February 21, 1992. LINK

Suisheng Zhao, "Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour: Elite Politics in Post-Tiananmen China," Asian Survey, Vol. 33, No. 8. (Aug., 1993), pp. 739-756. JSTOR

"Records of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's Shenzhen Tour," People's Daily, January 1992. LINK

G. From Deng to Jiang: A New Kind of Succession? Or more of the same?

Li Cheng and Lynn White, "The Fifteenth Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Full-Fledged Technocratic Leadership with Partial Control by Jiang Zemin," Asian Survey, Vol. 38, No. 3. (Mar., 1998), pp. 231-264. LINK

Frederick C. Teiwes, "The Paradoxical Post-Mao Transition: From Obeying the Leader to `Normal Politics' ,The China Journal, No. 34. (Jul., 1995), pp. 55-94. LINK

Richard Baum, "The Fifteenth National Party Congress: Jiang Takes Command?", The China Quarterly, No. 153. (Mar., 1998), pp. 141-156. LINK

Bruce Gilley, Tiger on the Brink: Jiang Zemin and China's New Elite.