McGeorge Bundy Dies at 77; Top Adviser in Vietnam Era

By JOHN KIFNER (NYT) 1950 words
Published: September 17, 1996

McGeorge Bundy, an influential foreign policy adviser to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson who was a forceful advocate of expanding American involvement in the Vietnam War, died yesterday at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He was 77 and lived in Manchester-by-the-Sea, north of Boston.

The cause of death was a heart attack, said a spokesman for Harvard University, where Mr. Bundy served as dean of the faculty of arts and sciences before joining the Kennedy Administration in 1961 as national security adviser.

A descendant of the Boston Lowells on his mother's side, a product of Groton, Yale and Skull and Bones, and a Harvard dean in his early 30's, Mr. Bundy was the very personification of what the journalist David Halberstam, in the title of his 1969 book, labeled ''The Best and the Brightest'': the well-born, confident intellectuals who led the nation into the quagmire of Vietnam.

After leaving Government in 1965, Mr. Bundy became president of the Ford Foundation, serving until 1979. He was then a professor of history at New York University for 10 years. In 1990, he joined the Carnegie Corporation of New York. He was chairman of its committee on reducing the danger of nuclear war and was its scholar-in-residence at the time of his death.

''He was a man of notable brilliance, integrity and patriotic purpose,'' said the historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., who served in the Kennedy White House with Mr. Bundy and counted him among his oldest friends.

As national security adviser to two Presidents, Mr. Bundy played a role in the Cuban missile crisis and other major foreign policy decisions, but he is most remembered for his role in enlarging United States involvement in Vietnam. In 1965 he predicted that if South Vietnam, the American ally, fell, ''there would be a great weakening in the free societies in their ability to withstand Communism.''

A visit to Vietnam that year, in which he saw the bloody results of combat at Pleiku, only strengthened his view, resulting in a pivotal memorandum calling for a policy of ''sustained reprisal,'' including air strikes.

In Washington, as throughout his life, he was noted for his brisk intellect and self-assurance. Journalists at the time overworked adjectives like ''brilliant'' and ''aggressive.''

Louis Auchincloss, the lawyer and author whose novels chronicled the upper classes, recalled of his Groton schoolmate that ''he was ready to be dean of the faculty at Harvard when he was 12 years old.''

From a Family Of Prominence

McGeorge Bundy was born in Boston on March 30, 1919, the youngest of five children of Harvey Hollister and Katherine Lawrence Putnam Bundy. His prominent family had a long tradition of public service.

His father was a noted lawyer who had once been secretary to Oliver Wendell Holmes, was Assistant Secretary of State from 1931 to 1933 and was a special assistant to the Secretary of War from 1941 to 1945.

His mother was a Lowell, the descendant of John Amory Lowell, one of Boston's most powerful men of the 19th century, credited with picking at least six presidents of Harvard. Mr. Bundy's maternal grandfather, A. Lawrence Lowell, served as president of Harvard from 1909 to 1933.

Mr. Bundy was educated, along with the young John Kennedy, at the private Dexter elementary school in Brookline, Mass. At Groton, he played the lead role in a production of ''Henry V.''

At Yale, he was first in his class, Phi Beta Kappa, and a member of the secret society known as Skull and Bones, despite a controversial editorial he wrote for The Yale Daily News calling for the abolition of the football team.

His undergraduate degree was in mathematics, but on graduation he was named a junior fellow in Harvard's Society of Fellows -- envisioned as scholars so pure they do not acquire advanced degrees -- and he switched his field to international relations.

But war was breaking out in Europe, and the extremely nearsighted Mr. Bundy memorized the eye test chart in order to join the Army. He rose from private to captain, serving on the staff of the planners of the invasions of Sicily and France.

After the war, he was an assistant to Henry L. Stimson, who had served as Secretary of War under President Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1940 to 1945, collaborating with Mr. Stimson on his autobiography, ''On Active Service in Peace and War,'' published in 1948.

A registered Republican, Mr. Bundy was recruited to advise Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York, who ran unsuccessfully against President Harry S. Truman in 1948. He rejoined the Harvard faculty as a lecturer in government in 1949 and quickly began rising through the academic ranks.

He was named dean of the faculty of arts and sciences on Sept. 1, 1953. He was known as an anti-bureaucratic innovator, favored by students and faculty members, a man who made academic reforms and encouraged students to do independent study outside traditional academic formats.

And with the help of his colleagues, Professor Schlesinger and the economist John Kenneth Galbraith, became close to another Harvard man, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the ambitious Senator from Massachusetts.

To Washington, And Into a War

When Mr. Kennedy took office in January 1961, there was a widespread, hopeful sense of a new generation come to power, a new beginning for the country. But within a few years, the country would be deeply, bitterly divided over Vietnam.

When Mr. Bundy arrived in Washington that year, Mr. Halberstam would write later, he was ''perhaps the brightest star in the galaxy of brilliant young men who were going to change the course of the country, his reputation was above all else for his intellectual brilliance.''

Mr. Bundy survived the transition to President Johnson after Kennedy's assassination, becoming, from his custom-paneled White House basement office, one of the central players in the evolving Vietnam debate, in large part because of his mastery of memo writing.

In 1965, Max Frankel described him in The New York Times Magazine this way:

''He is a man of sharp -- often acid -- brilliance, lean and trim of body and mind and almost collegiate at 46, agile, combative and confident, on the tennis court and in intellectual volley. He eats, drinks, dances, plays and, above all, speaks briskly; some say tartly.''

As with many in Washington in those cold war years, he focused on military strength, writing once in a book on Dean Acheson, perhaps the quintessential cold warrior: ''Very near the heart of all foreign affairs is the relationship between policy and military power.''

In an analysis of the Kennedy years in the magazine Foreign Affairs, he wrote, ''Nothing is more dangerous to the peace than weakness in the ultimate deterrent strength of the United States.''

The article continued, ''As important as having strength is knowing how to use it.''

The concern seemed to become personal with his visit to Pleiku, which resulted in his writing a policy memorandum that is one of the pivotal documents of the American escalation recorded in the Government's secret history of the war, which became known as the Pentagon Papers when published by The New York Times in 1971.

''We believe that the best available way of increasing our chance of success in Vietnam is the development and execution of a policy of sustained reprisal against North Vietnam -- a policy in which air and naval action against the North is justified by and related to the whole Vietcong campaign against violence and terror in the South,'' the memorandum, dated Feb. 7, 1965, said.

''We cannot assert that the policy of sustained reprisal will succeed in changing the course of the contest in Vietnam,'' it went on to say. ''It may fail and we cannot estimate the odds of success with any accuracy -- they may be between 25 percent and 75 percent. What we can say is that even if it fails, the policy will be worth it. At a minimum it will damp down the charge that we did not do all that we could have done, and this charge will be important in many countries, including our own. Beyond that, a reprisal policy -- to the extent that it demonstrates U.S. willingness to employ this new norm in counter-insurgency -- will set a higher price for the future upon all adventures of guerrilla warfare, and it should therefore somewhat increase our ability to deter such adventures.''

After Government, The Ford Foundation

Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, in his recent book ''In Retrospect'' (Times Books, 1995), recalls Mr. Bundy recommending ''graduated and sustained bombing'' and even at one point suggesting that the United States might gain ground in negotiations by threatening to use nuclear weapons.

But, finally, Mr. Bundy left the Administration, and Mr. McNamara writes: ''I speculate the true reason was his deep frustration with the war. I believe he was frustrated not only with the President's behavior but also with the decision-making process throughout the top echelons in both Washington and Saigon.''

After he resigned from the Government in December 1965, largely because he could no longer accommodate himself to President Johnson's style of dealing with his advisers, Mr. Bundy became president of the Ford Foundation.

He pushed the foundation into a new emphasis on race relations, and became embroiled in New York City's battle over decentralization of city schools, which was opposed by the powerful union the United Federation of Teachers. But by 1974, Ford had to cut back many of its programs because of financial difficulties.

Susan B. Beresford, the president of the Ford Foundation, said that Mr. Bundy provided leadership ''in such crucial areas as civil rights, overseas development, family planning, security and arms control, and education.''

Mr. Bundy, recalling his Government service years afterward in ''Danger and Survival: Choices About the Bomb in the First 50 Years'' (Random House, 1988), did not dwell extensively on Vietnam.

''The war was polarizing to American opinion in ways that were certainly not foreseen by Lyndon Johnson and those like me who supported him in the basic decision he made in 1965,'' Mr. Bundy wrote. ''If Johnson could have carried the country with him, I believe he would have made the Vietnam War larger in the hope of making it shorter.''

The New York Times described the book, which was a finalist for a National Book Award, as ''a detailed, rigorously documented history and analysis of the political decisions in many countries that shaped the nuclear era.''

Mr. Bundy is survived by his wife, Mary Buckminster Lothrop, whom he married in 1950; four sons, Stephen McGeorge, of Berkeley, Calif., Andrew, of Watertown, Mass., William, of Northampton, Mass., and James, of New York City, and six grandchildren. He is also survived by two brothers, Harvey, of Manchester, Mass., and William, of Princeton, N.J., and two sisters, Harriet B. Belin of Cambridge, Mass., and Katherine L. Auchincloss of Ho-Ho-Kus, N.J.