Curriculum Vitae
Margery Marie Lucas
Department of Psychology
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA 02481
(781) 283 3008
1980-1984 Ph.D. in Psychology. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Doctoral Thesis: "Lexical access during sentence comprehension: Context effects, frequency effects, and decision processes."
1977-1980 M.A. in Psychology. University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.
1971-1975 B.S. in Psychology awarded with Distinction. Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA.
Professional Experience
1999- Present Wellesley College, Professor, Department of Psychology
Director, Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences Program
1991-1999 Wellesley College, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
1991-1992 Stanford University, Visiting Scholar, Center for the Study of Language & Information
1984-1991 Wellesley College, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
1983-1984 University of Rochester, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychology and Program in Cognitive Science
1980-1983 University of Rochester, Instructor, Part-time, Department of Psychology
Professional Organizations
American Psychological Society
Human Behavior & Evolution Society
Behavioral & Brain Sciences, Associate Member
Women in Cognitive Science
2007-2009 Wellesley College Faculty Award: Fertility risk and bargaining
2003 Mellon Mid-Career Enrichment Grant for Release Time
1994 Wellesley College Faculty Award for research on lexical acess
(also 1984, 1986, 1988, and 1989)
1993 Wellesley College Faculty Award, "The semantic Representation of Spatial Locative Terms"(with Annette Herskovits and Andrea Levitt)
1992 Stanford University Center for the Study of Language and Information Seed Money Grant for research project on the resolution problem in syntactic processing, (with Ivan Sag and Michael Tanenhaus).
1991-93 Brachman Hoffman Fellowship Award for research on word meaning
1990 Hughes Curriculum Development Grant
1990 Ford Foundation Summer grant
1989 Faculty Research Development Grant from Technology Studies
Lucas, M, & Koff, E. (2010). Delay discounting is associated with the 2D:4D ratio in
women but not men. Personality and Individual Differences, 48 (2), 182-186.
Lucas, M. (2009). Your mind on money: A review of the Cambridge Handbook of
Psychology and Economic Behaviour. PsycCritiques, 54 (19).
Lucas, M.M., Wagner, L., & Chow, C. (2008). Fair Game: The intuitive economics of
resource exchange in four-year olds. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and
Cultural Psychology. 2(3), 74-88.
Lucas, M.M., Koff, E.K., & Skeath, S. (2007). Pilot study of relationship between fertility
risk and bargaining. Psychological Reports, 101, 302-310.
Lucas, M. & Wagner, L. Born selfish? (2005). Rationality, altruism, and the initial state.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(6), 829-830.
Lucas, M. (2001). Essential and Perceptual attributes of words in reflective and on-line
processing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 30 (6), 605-25.
Lucas, M. (2000). Semantic priming without Association: A meta-analytic review.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1, 618-630.
Lucas, M. (1999). Selection pressures for language prerequisites: constraints and
limitations. Psycholoquy, 10.050. 1999.
Lucas, M. (1999). Context effects in lexical access: A meta-analysis. Memory and
Cognition, 27, 375-398.
Lucas, M. (1991). Semantic representation of meaning: A defense. Psychological
Bulletin, 110, 254-263.
Lucas, M.M, Tanenhaus, M.K, & Carlson, G. (1990). Levels of representation in
anaphoric reference and instrument inference, Memory and Cognition, 18, 611-
Lucas, M. (1987). Frequency effects on the processing of ambiguous words in sentence
contexts. Language and Speech, 25-46.
Tanenhaus, M.K, & Lucas, M.M. (1987). Context effects in lexical processing.
Cognition, 25, 213-234. Reprinted in U.H.Frauenfelder and L.K. Tyler (Eds.),
Spoken Word Recognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987.
Lucas, M. (1983). Lexical access during sentence comprehension: Frequency and context effects. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Small, S. & Lucas, (1983). M. A computer model of language comprehension.
Richerche de Psicologia, 25, 89-158.
Lucas, M. & Bub, D. (1981). Can practice result in the ability to divide attention between
two complex language tasks? A reply to Hirst et al. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General, 110, 495-498.
2007 [with Elissa Koff and Susan Skeath] The effects of conception risk on women’s economic decision-making: Changes in bargaining behavior across the menstrual cycle. 19th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Williamsburg, VA, May 22-25, 2007.
2005 [with Candice Chow and Laura Wagner] Pre-school children show sophisticated performance on economics tasks. Poster presented at the 17th Annual Association for Psychological Science Convention. Los Angeles, CA., May 26-29, 2005.
1995 "Activation of word meaning during sentence comprehension." Language and Cognition Research Group, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. 5/23.
1995 [with Devorah Klein '95] "Feature priming in conceptual combinations". Paper presented at Creative Concepts Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 18-21.
1995 "Concepts and Words" A tale of two research programs. Brachman Hoffman Lecture at Wellesley College, 4/18
1994 "What's wrong with studies of lexical access?" Psycholinguistics Research Club, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY. 4/26
1993 "The semantic representation of spatial locative terms: A case study of across." Spatial Cognition Lab Group, Department of Psychology, Stanford University. 1/11.
1992 "The role of prototypes in spatial concepts." Department of Psychology, University of San Francisco, 3/22.
1992 [with Annette Herskovits, Andrea Levitt, and Laura Wagner]. "The mental representation of the meaning of across" Paper presented at the Linguistic Society of America Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 1/29.
1991 "The role of prototypes in understanding category concepts: a critical assessment." Commentary presented at Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 6/9.
1987 [with Michael Tanenhaus and Greg Carlson]. "Inferences in sentence comprehension: The role of constructed representations". Paper presented at The Ninth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society,7/16.
1985 [with Michael Tanenhaus, Greg Carlson, and Debra Senytka]. "The level of representation involved in the processing of anaphoric reference during sentence comprehension". Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, MA. 3/22.
1983 "Lexical access during sentence comprehension: Frequency and context ." Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Rochester, NY. 5/18.