Selected Bibliography

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Dillon, M. & Wink, P. (2007).In the course of a life time: Tracing religious belief, practice, and change. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. U.C. Press

James, J. B., & Wink, P. (Eds.). (2007). The crown of life: Dynamics of the early post-retirement period. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Wink, P., Dillon, M., & Prettyman, A. (In press). The relation between religiosness, spiritual seeking and authoritarianism: findings from a longitudinal study. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.

Wink, P., Ciciollo, L., Dilon, M., & Tracy, A. (In press) Religiousness, spirituality, and personality; Findings from a longitudinal study. Journal of Personality.

Wink, P., Dillon, M., & Prettyman, A. (In press). Religion as moderator of the sense of control: Gener differences. Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging.

Wink, P., & Dillon, M. (In press). Do generative adolescents become healthy older adults? In S. Post (Ed.) Altruism and health. New York: Oxford.

Wink, P., & Dillon, M. (In press). Religiousness and spirituality in the adult years. In D. Wulff (ed.), Handbook of the Psychology of Religion. Oxford University Press.

Wink, P. (2007). Live in the third age. In J. B. James & P. Wink (Eds.), The crown of Life: Dynamics of the early post-retirement period. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Wink, P., & James, J. (2007). Is the third age the crown of life? In J. B. James & P. Wink (Eds.), The crown of life: Dynamics of the early post-retirement period (305-325). New York: Springer Publishing Co.

Wink, P. (2006). Who is afraid of death? Religion, spirituality, and death anxiety. Journal of Religion Spirituality and Aging, 18, 93-110.

Wink, P., Dillon, M., & Fay, K. (2005). Spiritual seeking, narcissism, and psychotherapy: How are they related? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 44, 143-158. Full Text

Wink, P., Dillon, M., & Larsen, B. (2005). Religion as moderator of the depression – health connection. Research on Aging, 27, 197-220. Full Text

Wink, P., & Scott, J. (2005). Does religiousness buffer against the fear of death and dying in late adulthood? Findings from a longitudinal study. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 60B, P207-P214. Full Text

Dillon, Michele; Wink, Paul. (2004) "American Religion, Generativity, and the Therapeutic Culture." In de St. Aubin, Ed (Ed); McAdams, Dan P. (Ed); et-al. The generative society: Caring for future generations. (pp. 153-174). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. xiii. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (2003) "Dwelling and Seeking in Late Adulthood: The Psychosocial Implications of Two Types of Religious Orientation." In Susan H. McFadden, PhD (Ed.) New Directions in the Study of Late Life Religiousness and Spirituality. (pp. 101-117). The Haworth Press, Inc. Full Text

Dillon Michele; Wink P.; Fay Kristen. (2003) "Is Spirituality Detrimental to Generativity?" Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, September 2003, vol. 42, iss. 3, pp. 427-442(16) Full Text

Dillon, Michele; Wink, Paul. (2003) "Religiousness & Spirituality." Trajectories and Vital Involvement in Late Adulthood." In Michele Dillon (Ed.) Handbook of the Sociology of Religion. (pp. 179-189). Cambridge University Press. Full Text

Wink, Paul; Dillon, Michele. (2003) "Religiousness, Spirituality, and Psychosocial Functioning in Late Adulthood: Findings From a Longitudinal Study." Psychology and Aging. Dec; Vol 18(4): 916-924. Full Text

Wink, Paul; Dillon, Michele. (2002) "Spiritual development across the adult life course: Findings from a longitudinal study." Journal of Adult Development. Jan; Vol 9(1): 79-94. Full Text

Wink, Paul; Dillon, Michele. (2001) "Religious involvement and health outcomes in late adulthood: Findings from a longitudinal study of women and men." In Plante, Thomas G. (Ed); Sherman, Allen C. (Ed). (2001). Faith and health: Psychological perspectives. (pp. 75-106). New York, NY, US: Guilford Press. xv. Full Text



Wink, Paul; Donahue, Karen. (1997) "The relation between two types of narcissism and boredom." Journal of Research in Personality. 1997 Mar; Vol 31(1): 136-140.

Wink, Paul. (1996) "Transition from the early 40s to the early 50s in self-directed women." Journal of Personality. 1996 Mar; Vol 64(1): 49-69. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (1996) "Narcissism" In Charles G. Costello (Ed). Personality Characteristics of the Personality Disordered. (pp. 146-172). New York, NY, US: Wiley-Interscience Publication. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (1992) "Three types of narcissism in women from college to mid-life." Journal of Personality. 1992 Mar; Vol 60(1): 7-30. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (1992) "Three narcissism scales for the California Q-set." Journal of Personality Assessment. 1992 Feb; Vol 58(1): 51-66. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (1991) "Self- and object-directedness in adult women." Journal of Personality. 1991 Dec; Vol 59(4): 769-791. Full Text

Wink, Paul. (1991) "Two faces of narcissism." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1991 Oct; Vol 61(4): 590-597. Full Text


Cross-Cultural Psychology:

Wink, Paul. (1997) "Beyond ethnic differences: Contextualizing the influence of ethnicity on individualism and collectivism." Journal of Social Issues. 1997 Sum; Vol 53(2): 329-349.


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