Hello Everyone! Profesora Roses asked that I put a bit about myself in this section of the webpage. Well, my name is Christina H. Sánchez (a.k.a. Kestrel) from San Diego, California and I'm a senior here at Wellesley double majoring in Psychology and Religion. I'm also a graduate of Spanish 241 w/ Profesora Roses. One of the aspects of the course I most enjoyed was being able to use my creative efforts in writing things like "Mi Sueño Increíble" and "Mi Secreto." I can't say that I didn't like anything about the course, but let me tell you, I would have loved to have been able to take it now that it has grammar lessons! (Which I desperately need, haha). Putting websites together is a hobby of mine - some of the designs are original, others were mined from various collections on the WWW. Feel free to email me for whatever reason. Im always happy to meet new people and usually looking for ways to avoid my massive amounts of work. :-)


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