Norway Maple
Acer platinoides
Family Aceraceae

* Leaves opposite, with 5 sharply pointed lobes, dark green, with hairs in vein axils on leaf undersides, turning yellow in autumn, 4-7". Leaf shape very similar to sugar maple but more ornate.
* Milky sap when leaf is broken off of stem at the petiole. This sap is not found in sugar maple leaves and distinguishes the two species.
* Bark grayish, with vertical ridges and shallow furrows.
* Flowers greenish yellow.
* Fruits 2-winged, like all maples. Wings wide, 1 1/2-2", nearly horizontal.
* Height: 40-50'.

Natural History:
* Flowers in April, before leaves come out.
* Fruits September - October.
* Habitat: Usually planted as an ornamental tree, occasionally spreading to forests, meadows and hedgerows.
* Range: Southeastern Canada and eastern United States.
* Introduced from Europe; originally from Norway.

* On the trunks of many Norway maples, 'frost cracks' are apparent. The cracks occur on the south side of the trunk. The bark is warmed by the sun and then contracts in sudden temperature drops such as frosts, cracking in the process. Norway maple bark is a living example of the frost heaves that plague our roads in early spring!

* Norway maple provides very deep shade that reduces the growth of native wildflowers and seedling trees. Our native species - sugar maple - should be encouraged to grow.


Created by: Allaire Diamond and Jiasuey Hsu
Maintained by: Nick Rodenhouse
Created: July 31, 1998
Last Modified: November 21, 2008