- Classification number: 6C/1949
- Title of Record Series: Class of 1949
- Record Group: Students
- Sub Group: Classes
- Date:
- Accession Number:
- Source:
- Restrictions: None
- Volume: 3 boxes
Records of the Class of 1949; dating from 1945 to ; consisting of clippings, publications and memorabilia; concerning student and alumnae activities; including video tape of commencement.
Box 1
- Students: General
- Students: Virginia Herrmann: Letters home (1945-1946); papers; misc.
- Alumnae: General
- Alumnae: Individuals
- Record Book (1964)
- Record Book (1969)
- Record Book (1974)
- Record Book (1979)
- Record Book (1982);Directory (1982)
- Directory (1987)
- Record Book (1989)
- Record Book (1994)
Box 2
- Record Book (1994)
- Record Book (1999)
- Record Book (1999)
- Videotape of Commencement, 1949
- Record Book (2004)
Box 3
- Letters home: Susan Bartlett Weber (1945-1947)
Box 4
- Photograph album: Susan Bartlett Weber (1945-1947)
- Scrapbook: Vertrees Canby Malherbe
Box 5
- Scrapbooks: Elizabeth Insley Traverse '49
Box 6
- Scrapbook: Elizabeth Insley Traverse '49
Created By: Dorothy Brown '09 || Maintained By: Jane Callahan and Ian Graham || Date Created: January 10, 2008 || Last Modified:
October 15, 2012