

Valuing the devalued in race related movements is focused on reversing the way of thinking based on the hierarchical polarization paradigm that devalues both the people of color and their traits, abilities, and activities. Under the HPP, the value of a person of color, including her culture and religious practices, is subordinate to the dominant white person.

The valuing the devalued process addresses the issue of hierarchical polarization by noting that black features are just as attractive and desirable as white features. Men and women in the movement that are black stopped straightening their hair and stopped attempting to lighten their skin color, to show that they were valuing aspects of the bodies that had been devalued. Here is a current example!

Identity politics deem whites as the oppressors/enemy of blacks. However this view is essentializing because it ignores and denies the differences within the African-American community itself. For example, there are inequalities and oppressive relationships within the black community, such as the oppression of women. Therefore, although this process recognizes the racial inequality within the current system, it is not enough to overturn the hierarchical polarization paradigm.


The Black Power Movement

History of Black Power
Malcom X