ARTS 221 Digital Imaging  

Project #1: Digital
Objective: This assignment is meant to familiarize you with the basic painting and drawing tools in Photoshop. As well as give you an understanding of layers and basic image manipulation. The skills you learn on this assignment will be applied throughout the semester. For the subject of the piece I want you so think about the word "Digital". What is inherently different about imagery that is digital versus something that is completed by hand. Can an image seem digital although it is not? How? Or does it have to be made on a computer to be digital?

Reference text and tutorials:
Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom In A Book
• Review Chapters: 1: Getting To Know The Work Area, 3: Working With Selections, 4: Layer Basics, 8: Vector Drawing Techniques, 11: Painting With The Mixer Brush.
• Lesson Files:,,,,

• Please turn in your .psd file for your image, as well as a high quality 1024x768 jpg to the location designated by Prof. Olsen.
• Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".psd, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg

Assignment Details:
  • What to do:
    • Find, photograph, scan, and compose an image to draw.
    • For full credit, image should be:
      • at least 8"x10" inches
      • 300dpi
      • redrawn completely using Photoshop or Illustrator
  • Tools and Techniques in Photoshop to get more detailed information about these tools use Photoshop > Help):
    Brush The Brushes palette lets you select preset brushes and design custom brushes.
    Pencil You can create or edit straight lines, curves, or freeform lines and shapes using the pen tools. The pen tools can be used in conjunction with the shape tools to create complex shapes.
    Paint Bucket The Paint Bucket tool fills adjacent pixels that are similar in color value to the pixels you click.
    Gradient The Gradient tool creates a gradual blend between multiple colors. You can choose from preset gradient fills or create your own.
    Layers Layers allow you to work on one element of an image without disturbing the others. Think of layers as sheets of acetate stacked one on top of the other. Where there is no image on a layer, you can see through to the layers below. You can change the composition of an image by changing the order and attributes of layers. In addition, special features such as adjustment layers, fill layers, and layer styles let you create sophisticated effects.
    Lasso The Lasso tool and the Polygonal Lasso tool let you draw both straight-edged and freehand segments of a selection border. With the Magnetic Lasso tool (Photoshop), the border snaps to the edges of defined areas in the image.
    Details Include additional details to show off your creativity!
  • Tips:
    • Be sure to start early so you can bring your questions and problems to office hours.
    • Name your layers as soon as you create them. It'll be much easier than changing them all later. Make sure the names you choose are simple and easy to type. When you need to pick one little part of a complex image, it is MUCH easier to pick it by name than with the mouse.
    • Take the time to learn the keyboard shortcuts.
    • Last but not least - save EARLY and save OFTEN!
    • Be as creative as you want!

Artists: Neo Rauch, Laura Owens, Chris Ware, Sonia Almeida
