ARTS 221 Digital Imaging  

Objective: Digital Imaging has allowed us is the freedom to create large-scale images with ease. Not only is the price of creating large-scale images affordable but also the time and labor to create such images has decreased. The size of an image can change it’s meaning and overall effect. It is up to you to play with scale and see how you can affect the audience with scale. Artists also use the computer as a tool to reproduce images traditionally, for example, Ben Edwards sketches his ideas with a computer then paints them by hand. As an alternative to this assignment you can make an image at any scale that incorporates none digital media (i.e. painting, drawing). For the subject of the assignment you must carefully consider how the scale or traditional method you use strengthens the piece conceptually or visually.

Reference text and tutorials:
Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom In A Book
• Review Chapter: 14: Producing And Printing Consistent Color.
• Lesson Files:

• Please turn in your .psd file for your image, as well as a high quality 1024x768 jpg to the location designated by Prof. Olsen.
• Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".psd, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg

Assignment Details:
  • What to do: Create a large-scale or tradigital piece
