Math 101, Reasoning with Data: Elementary Applied Statistics

This course focuses on understanding how statistics are used and misused in a variety of fields, including medicine, the physical sciences, and the social sciences. It is intended to be accessible to students who have not yet had calculus and to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning Overlay Course Requirement. This course is not open to students who have taken or are taking ECON 103/SOC 190, QR 180, POL 199, or PSYC 205. Moreover, if you have taken Math 116 or the equivalent, then Math 220, which also satisfies the QR overlay requirement, is a more appropriate course for you. See the instructor for more information.

Statistical concepts and questions are all around us. For example:

After taking this course, you should be able to answer questions like these, and follow and analyze statistical arguments about data that you find in courses or in the media (i.e., be "statistically literate" ). You should be able to understand where the fundamental formulae and tests of statistics come from and what they mean. You should be able to apply basic statistical tests that are common to several disciplines, and be prepared to learn any additional statistical methods you will need for specific courses in the future.

You will carry out simple computations in the course by hand or with a calculator, and more involved ones with computer software. There will be several computer labs to help you learn how to use the software for calculations and to visualize the basic ideas of statistics and probability. There will also be a term project in which you will be collecting and interpreting your own data.

Prerequisite: Fulfillment of the basic skills component of the Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Not open to students who have taken or are taking ECON 103/SOC 190, QR 180, POL 199, or PSYC 205. Not open to students who have completed MATH 116, 120, or 205, except by permission of the instructor; such students should consider taking 220 instead.
Distribution: Mathematical Modeling. Fulfills QR overlay requirement.

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