Mathematics Department


Students who wish to add or change a section of calculus once classes begin should see Prof. Hirschhorn (SC 356 x 3116), who can also check their departmental calculus placement.  

Registrar's Course Catalog Descriptions
Registrar's Course Schedule Fall 2005
Registrar's Course Schedule Spring 2006

Course Homepages

User-Friendly Course Descriptions

  • Math 101 Reasoning with Data: Elementary Applied Statistics
  • Math 101Z Reasoning with Data: Elementary Applied Statistics with Health Applications
  • Math 102 Applications of Mathematics without Calculus
  • Math 115 Calculus I
  • Math 116 Calculus II
  • Math 120 Calculus IIA
  • Math 203 Mathematical Tools for Finance
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 205 Multivariable Calculus
  • Math 206 Linear Algebra
  • Math 208/310 Functions of a Complex Variable
    • Offered in alternate years
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 210 Differential Equations
  • Math 212 Differential Geometry
    • Usually offered in alternate years
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 214 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry
    • Usually offered in alternate years
  • Math 215/Phys 215 Mathematics for the Sciences I
  • Math 216/Phys 216 Mathematics for the Sciences II
  • Math 220 Probability and Elementary Statistics
  • Math 223 Number Theory
  • Math 225 Combinatorics and Graph Theory
  • Math 249 Selected Topics
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 251 Topics in Applied Mathematics
    • Fall 2005: Cryptology and Coding Theory: The Mathematics of Secure and Reliable Communication
    • Spring 2006: Operations Research
    • Previous topics have included Game Theory, Statistics, Statistical Quality Control
  • Math 302 Elements of Analysis I
  • Math 303 Elements of Analysis II 
  • Offered in alternate years
  • Math 305 Abstract Algebra
  • Math 306 Topics in Abstract Algebra
  • Math 307 Topology
    • Offered in alternate years
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 309 Foundations of Mathematics
    • Offered in alternate years
  • Math 310/208 Functions of a Complex Variable
    • Offered in alternate years
    • Not offered in '05-'06
  • Math 349 Selected Topics
    • Fall 2005: Chaotic Dynamical Systems
    • Previous topics have included Graph Theory, Chaotic Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Logic
  • Math 350 Research or Individual Study
  • Math 360 Senior Thesis Research
  • Math 370 Senior Thesis

  • Course Homepages

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