- Electric Circuits - Definition of terms
- Electric current I equals the rate of flow of current.
For constant current I = q/t. For a variable current
I = dq/dt.
- In Fig. 1 above, an electron moves in a conductor with the
equivalent of a constant drift velocity vd in a
constant electric field E. In reality the electron experiences
a series of accelerations in the electric field after collisions
with nucleus and inner electrons of the atoms that make up
the material. Let n = the number of electrons/volume, e the
charge on the electron, A the cross-sectional area of the
conductor, and L its length = vdt, where
t is the time for the electron to move the length of the conductor.
The net charge in motion is then q = neAvdt
and the current I = q/t = neAvd.
- Sample problem in 106
Problem Set for Circuits: 1.
- Resistances
- The resistance R of a conductor is directly proportional
to its length L, inversely proportional to its cross-sectional
area A, and depends on the material's resistively r.
R = rL/A.
- Ohm's Law. The potential difference Vab
across a resistance R from a to b with a current I
from a to b is given by Ohm's Law, an Empirical law,
Vab = IR.
- Combinations of Resistors
- Resistors in Series
- The current I is the same in each resistor
- The potential difference across all of the resistors
equals the sum of the individual potential differences:
Vab = Vac + Vcd
+ Vdb
- Req = Vab/I = Vac/I
+ Vcd/I + Vdb/I = R1 +
R2 + R3
(Fig. 2a below)

- Resistors in Parallel
- The potential difference Vab across
each of the resistors is the same.
- The total current I equals the sum of the currents
in each of the resistors: I = I1
+ I2 + I3
- I/Vab = I1/Vab
+ I2/Vab + I3/Vab
- 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2
+ 1/R3 (Fig. 2b below)

- Sample problems in 106
Problem Set for Circuits: 2, 3, 7.
- Power
- Power = P = (Ua - Ub)/t =
q(Va - Vb )/t = (q/t)(Va -
Vb ) = IVab
The above statement is always true.
- If the circuit element between a and b is an Ohmic
resistor for which
Vab = IR, then P = I(Vab ) can
be written as P = I(IR) = I2R or
P = (I)Vab can be written as P = (Vab/R)Vab
= (Vab)2/R.
- Sample problem in 106
Problem Set for Circuits: 4.
- Electromotive force e
- The electromotive force e =
energy/charge = U/q or
qe = U and power
= P = U/t = (q/t)e = Ie.

- For the circuit of Fig. 3 above, r is the internal resistance
of the battery. For this circuit:
Power in = Power out
Chemical power to electrical power = electrical power to
Ie = I2R
+ I2r (Equation
- From Eq. 1,
- I = e/(R + r)
- e - Ir
= IR = Vab
- The terminal voltage across a battery Vab
= e-Ir
- Sample problems in 106 Problem
Set for Circuits: 5, 8.
- Kirchhoff's Rules
- Junction rule. The sum of the currents entering any junction
equals the sum of the currents leaving that junction. This
is just a statement of conservation of charge.
- Loop rule. The sum of the potential differences across each
element around any closed circuit loop is zero. This is just
a statement of conservation of energy.
- If you go from the minus to the plus side of the battery,
chemical energy is being changed into electrical energy
and you are picking up energy, thus the sign is plus.
If you go from the plus side of the battery to the minus
sign, the sign is negative.
- If go around the loop in the same direction as the current, electrical
energy is being converted to heat and you are losing energy
so this IR is negative. If you go around the loop opposite
to the direction of the current, you are going from a
lower potential to a higher potential so this IR is positive.
- General comment. Once you choose directions of currents,
and going around the loop clockwise or counterclockwise,
stay with it. You may reverse the direction of going
around the loop for a second loop, but don't change the
directions of the currents.
- Sample problem in 106
Problem Set for Circuits: 9.
- RC-Circuits

- The potential difference across an Ohmic resistor = IR
and across a capacitor = q/C
- When the switch S is thrown up for the charging position
- Using the loop rule, we find
e = IR
+ q/C.
Since I = dq/dt, we may write this as
e = dq/dt
R + q/C (Equation
Arithmetic gives us
(dq/dt)RC = -(q - eC) (Equation
Separating the variables:
dq/(q - eC)
= -1/RC dt (Equation
Integrating both sides:
ln [(q- eC)/-eC}
= -t/RC
Taking the antilog of both sides of Eq. 5:
(q- eC)/-eC
= e-t/RC
q - eC = -eC(e-t/RC )
q(t) = eC(1 - e-t/RC )
- The potential difference across the capacitor for charging
the capacitor Vcb sometimes called
VC = q/C = e(1
- e-t/RC ).
- The current I = dq/dt = e/R(
e-t/RC )
- The potential difference across the resistor for charging
the capacitor Vac sometimes called
VR = IR = e(
e-t/RC ) (Equation
- For Figures 4 (above) and 5 (below), I have chosen
e = 1.0V,
R = 106 W
= 106 V/A, and C = 5 x 10-6 F
= 5 x 10-6 C/V. The time constant = RC
=106 V/A x 5 x 10-6 C/V = 5 C/A
= 5 C/(C/s) = 5 s.
For build up of charge, VC(t) = e(1
- e-t/RC). When t = RC = 5 s,
VC(RC) = 1.0 V(1 - e-RC/RC ) = 1.0
V( 1 - e-1) = 1.0 V(0.632) = 0.632 V, as shown
For build up of charge, VR(t) = ee-t/RC.
When t = RC = 5 s,
VC(RC) = 1.0 V( e-RC/RC ) = 1.0
V(e-1) = 1.0 V(0.368) = 0.368 V, as shown above.
- When the switch is thrown down, the battery is no longer
in the circuit and the capacitor discharges.
- Vab = 0 = IR + q/C = dq/dt R + q/C (Equation
Rearranging the equation: dq/q = -dt/RC
The limits are now from maximum charge Q = eC
to q when t goes from 0 to t. The capacitor is discharging
and I is in the opposite direction.

ln q/eC = - t/RC
q(t) = Qe-t/RC = eCe-t/RC
- I(t) = dq/dt = -(eC/RC)e-t/RC
= - (e/R)e-t/RC
- Vcb = VC = q/C = ee-t/RC
and Vac
= IR = -ee-t/RC
- Referring to Fig. 5b below,
For decay of charge, VC(t) = e
e-t/RC. When t = RC = 5 s,
VC(RC) = 1.0 V(e-RC/RC ) = 1.0 V(
e-1) = 1.0 V(0.368) = 0.368 V.
For decay of charge, VR(t) = -ee-t/RC.
When t = RC = 5 s,
VR(RC) = -1.0 V(e-RC/RC) = -1.0
V(e-1) = -1.0 V(0.368) = -0.368 V.
- Sample problem in 106
Problem Set for Circuits: 10.