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Econ 223


Assignment 2

(Due September 20 )

  In this and all other work on your term project, you may work alone or with a group of your classmates.

      Written Work & RITE Evlauations

This assignment gives you practice using the RITE system to evaluate web sites that help you answer financial questions. You will be asked to assess the quality of the web sites that you use throughout the course.

Using the Internet, find the answer to the following question.

What do people with BAs in economics earn?

A good way to start is to type the following into your favorite search (e.g.,

college graduate earnings

From the list of sites that appear, choose what you think will be the best web site and what you think will be the worst site to help you answer the question, "What do people with BAs in economics earn?". Evaluate these two sites using the RITE system.

Briefly summarize (1 paragraph) what you learned by evaluating the sites using the RITE system.

Upload your RITE evaluations & your paragraph write up to the Assignment 2 folder in the Econ223-Drop conference in FirstClass before class on September 20.

Presentation & Financial Advisor Work

Email Econ223-Ask Ann & Saundra by September 19 at the latest to request the presenter or Financial Advisor role for this week. In your request to be presenter include your permission for us to send you answer to this assignment to this week's Financial Advisor. If we do not have a volunteer presenter & Financial Advisor by 5PM on September 19 we will assign students to presenter & advisor roles.

 The Presenter for this Assignment should prepare a presentation of her RITE evaluations (10 minutes or less). She will give her presentation at the beginning of class on September 23. The Financial Advisor for this week will discuss her advisee’s RITE evaluations pointing out interesting aspects of the evaluation & making constructive suggestions using information from her own RITE evaluations.

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© Ann Dryden Witte, 2006