General Information & Statistics
US-China Business Council
News for China's Economy
China's Economy: Articles from The Economist
EconomyWatch: China
China Economic Net (Economic Daily, PRC)
The China Perspective
China Development Brief (Focuses on non-governmental organizations in China)
China In Transition (Research Institute of Industry, Trade, and Economy -- Japan)
China Data Center (University of Michigan)
Wellesley College Access
China Statistical Information Network (PRC National Bureau of Statistics)
Economic Freedom Index: China (Hertigage Foundation)
China Economic Review (Some material for subscribers only)
Searchable for China data:
Chinese Goverment Sites
Ministry of Commerce
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
China Economic Information Network
China Economic Net
Academic Sites
Elite Chinese Politics and Political Economy (Prof. Victor Shih, Northwestern University)
Advertising in China (Baker Institute, Rice University)
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: A Conference held at Indiana University, May 19-20, 2006
Media Sites
Commanding Heights: China Country Report (PBS)
PNTR The China Trade Debate (PBS NewsHour Special Report, 2000-01)