here for a printer friendly version of this scale
each item carefully, and decide to what extent it
is characteristic of your feelings and behavior.
Answer each question by choosing a number from the
scale below. |
= Very uncharacteristic or untrue, strongly disagree
2 = Uncharacteristic
3 = Neutral
4 = Characteristic
5 = Very characteristic or true, strongly agree |
you scored over 49, you're probably very shy. If your score
is between 34 and 49, you're somewhat
shy. If you scored below 34, you're probably not a particularly
shy person, although you may feel shy in one or two situations.
Most shy people score over 39 and a few reach the possible
high score of 65.
copyright 1983, Jonathan M. Cheek)

further information, see the book Conquering Shyness
by Jonathan M. Cheek, Ph.D and Bronwen Cheek, Psy.D. The
hardcover was published by Putnam in 1989 and the paperback
edition was published by Dell in 1990. These editions are
out of print, but widely available in public libraries.
The internet bookstore Amazon.com
does accept orders to search for used copies of Conquering
Shyness. Translations in Spanish, German, Swedish,
and Greek have also been published.
information about the psychology of shyness can also be
found in Shyness: Perspectives on Research and Treatment
(1986) edited by Warren H. Jones, Ph.D, Jonathan M. Cheek,
Ph.D, and Stephen R. Briggs, Ph.D, available from Plenum
Publishing Corp, 233 Spring St, New York, NY, 10013 (800-221-9369).
This is also available through Amazon.com.

Henderson at the
Shyness Institute maintains links to a variety of resources.
She also maintains a reading
list on the subject. On Usenet, the group alt.support.shyness
addresses the problems of shyness.
Home | Shyness
Research | Sirenology & Haitian
Art | How Shy Are You?
Orientations | Hypersensitive
Narcissism & the Imposter Phenomenon | Contact
created by Christina
H. Sanchez '02
Updated by Tara A. McGovern '04 Maintained by: Jonathan Cheek, Psychology
All rights reserved.
Last Updated:
August 4, 2003