9-item version in Cheek, J.M., & Buss, A.H. (1981).
Shyness and sociability. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 41, 330-339.
read each item carefully and decide to what extent
it is characteristic of your feelings and behavior.
Fill in the blank next to each item by choosing
a number from the scale printed below. |
= Very uncharacteristic or untrue, strongly disagree
2 = Uncharacteristic
3 = Neutral
4 = Characteristic
5 = Very characteristic or true, strongly agree |
____ |
I feel tense when I'm with people I don't know
well. |
____ |
I am socially somewhat awkward. |
____ |
I do not find it difficult to ask other people
for information. |
____ |
I am often uncomfortable at parties and other social
functions. |
____ |
When in a group of people, I have trouble thinking
of the right things to talk about. |
____ |
It does not take me long to overcome my shyness
in new situations. |
____ |
It is hard for me to act natural when I am meeting
new people. |
____ |
I feel nervous when speaking to someone in authority. |
____ |
I have no doubts about my social competence. |
____ |
I have trouble looking someone right in the eye. |
____ |
I feel inhibited in social situations. |
____ |
I do not find it hard to talk to strangers. |
____ |
I am more shy with members of the opposite sex. |
3, 6, 9 & 12 are reversed, recode before scoring. (1=5)
(2=4) (4=2) (5=1)
college students, mean = 33.3 for men and 32.4 for women,
alpha coefficient = .90, 45-day retest reliability = .88,
correlation with aggregated ratings of shyness by friends
and family = .68, and correlation with original 9-item
= .96. This revised scale is copyright 1983, Jonathan M.
Cheek. The scale may be used in non-profit educational
without further permission.
J.M., & Briggs, S.R. (1990). Shyness as a personality
trait. In W.R. Crozier (Ed.), Shyness and Embarrassment:
Perspectives from Social Psychology (pp. 315 - 337). Cambridge,
UK: Cambridge University Press.
J. M., & Melchior, L.A. (1990). Shyness, self-esteem,
and self-consciousness. In H. Leitenberg (Ed.), Handbook
of Social and Evaluation Anxiety (pp. 47-82). New York:
Plenum Publishing.
M.R. (1991). Social anxiety, shyness, and related
Constructs. In Robinson, J.P., Shaver, P.R., & Wrightsman,
L.S. (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological
Attitudes (pp. 182-184). San Diego: Academic Press.
20 Item
Shyness Scale
here for a printer friendly version of this scale
J.M., & Melchior, L.A. (1985). Measuring
the Three Components of Shyness. In M.H. Davis
& S.L. Franzoi (Co-chairs), Emotion, Personality,
and Personal Well-Being II. Symposium conducted at
the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association, Los Angeles.
read each item carefully and decide to what extent
it is characteristic of your feelings and behavior.
Fill in the blank next to each item by choosing
a number from the scale printed below.
1 = very uncharacteristic or
untrue, strongly disagree
2 = uncharacteristic
3 = neutral
4 = characteristic
5 = very characteristic or true, strongly agree |
____ |
1. I feel
tense when I’m
with people I don’t know well. |
____ |
2. During conversations with
new acquaintances, I worry about saying something
dumb. |
____ |
3. I am socially somewhat awkward. |
____ |
4. I do not find it difficult
to ask other people for information. |
____ |
5. I am often uncomfortable
at parties and other social gatherings. |
____ |
6. When in a group of people,
I have trouble thinking of the right things to talk
about. |
____ |
7. I feel relaxed even in unfamiliar
social situations |
____ |
8. It is hard for me to act
natural when I am meeting new people. |
____ |
9. I feel painfully self-conscious
when I am around strangers. |
____ |
10. I am confident about my
social skills. |
____ |
11. I feel nervous when speaking
to someone in authority. |
____ |
12. I have trouble looking
someone right in the eye. |
____ |
13. I am usually a person who
initiates conversation. |
____ |
14. I often have doubts about
whether other people like to be with me. |
____ |
15. Sometimes being introduced
to new people makes me feel physically upset (for
example, having an upset stomach, pounding heart,
sweaty palms, or heat rash). |
____ |
16. I do not find it hard to
talk to strangers. |
____ |
17. I worry about how well
I will get along with new acquaintances. |
____ |
18. I am shy when meeting someone
of the opposite sex. |
____ |
19. It does not take me long
to overcome my shyness in a new situation. |
____ |
20. I feel inhibited in social
situations. |
4, 7, 10, 13, 16, & 19 are reversed, recode before scoring.
(1=5) (2=4) (4=2) (5=1) In the scale revision/construction sample of 326 college students
the alpha coefficient of internal consistency reliability for
the 20-item shyness scales was .94 (M = 51.8; SD = 13.6) and
it correlated .96 with the original Cheek & Buss 9-item
shyness scale. Melchior and Cheek (1990) reported that in a
sample of 31 college women the 20-item scale had a 45-day test-retest
reliability of .91, and correlated .69 with aggregated ratings
of shyness received from family members and close friends.

Cheek, J.M., & Krasnoperova, E.N. (1999).
Varieties of shyness in adolescence and adulthood. In L.A.
Schmidt & J. Schulkin (Eds.), Extreme Fear, Shyness, and
Social Phobia: Origins, Biological Mechanisms, and Clinical
Outcomes (pp. 224-250). New York: Oxford University Press.
L.A., & Cheek, J.M. (1990). Shyness and anxious self-preoccupation
during a social interaction. In M. Booth-Butterfield (Ed.),
Communication, cognition, and anxiety (Special issue). Journal
of Social Behavior and Personality, 5, 117- 130. (Reprinted
by Sage in book form, 1991)
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created by Christina
H. Sanchez '02
Updated by Tara A. McGovern '04 Maintained by: Jonathan Cheek, Psychology
All rights reserved.
Last Updated: August 7, 2003