Links to Colleagues' SitesTeresa Amabile, Edsel Bryant Ford Professor of Business Administration, Head of the Entrepreneurial Management Unit, and Faculty Chair of the Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School Dr. Amabile is my long-time mentor, collaborator and dear friend. While a professor at Brandeis University, she served as my PhD advisor. In 1995. Dr. Amabile joined the faculty at the Harvard Business School. I am forever grateful for her support. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/faculty.jhtml?t=tamabile Mark Lepper, Professor of Psychology, Stanford University Professor Lepper is my "academic grandfather" of sorts, as he served as Teresa Amabile's PhD advisor/mentor. Dr. Lepper is the co-author of a 1973 paper entitled "Undermining children's intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward: A test of the overjustification hypothesis" the research piece that caught my attention when I was teaching at the elementary level in Denver and propelled me back to school. http://lepper.socialpsychology.org/ Edward Deci, Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester Professor Deci's work on human motivation, and in particular his Self-Determination Theory, has greatly influenced my own research program. http://www.psych.rochester.edu/faculty/deci/ Dean Keith Simonton, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis Dr. Simonton's meticulous "systems approach" to the study of creativity, and in particular his work on cultural factors underlying eminence, giftedness and talent, has also been especially influential in shaping my thinking. http://psychology.ucdavis.edu/Simonton/default.html