INSTRUCTIONS: These items describe different aspects of identity.
Please read each item carefully and consider how it applies to you. Fill
in the blank next to each item by choosing a number from the scale below:
1 = Not important to my sense of who I am
2 = Slightly important to my sense of who I am
3 = Somewhat important to my sense of who I am
4 = Very important to my sense of who I am
5 = Extremely important to my sense of who I am
4, which adds RI to AIQ-IIIx, thus adding 10 new RI items and changing
sequence =
item #s of some old items] (Summer 2001 for 2002 SPSP Poster)
details of AIQ-IIIx and its history and bibliography, see Identity
PI = Personal
Identity Orientation
RI = Relational Identity Orientation
SI = Social Identity Orientation
CI = Collective Identity Orientation
(SP = Special items [not scored on scales])
Each of
the scale scores is the sum of the answers (1-5) given to those items. For AIQ-IV 45 items, the scoring numbering is:
PI = 2 5
8 11 14 18 21 25 27 32 [sum of answers to 10 items]
RI = 22 26 28 31 34 35 37 39 41 43 [ "" 10 items]
SI = 3 6 9 12 15 17 20 [ "" 7 items]
CI = 4 7 10 13 24 29 38 42 [ "" 8 items]
[SP = 1 16 19 23 30 33 36 40 44 45 (10 items not scored on scales)]**
et al. (1996) created a new AIQ -IIIx scale named "Superficial
Identity" by summing 5 items [AIQ-IIIx SP's # 1, 16, & 18
plus SI's # 9 & 15] as "a measure of an emphasis on surface
qualities of self immediately visible to others" (M = 17.46,
SD = 3.39). Superficial identity orientation correlated .19 with
PI, .75 corrected to .61 with the partly overlapping SI, and .36
with CI. (Dollinger, S. J., Preston, L. A., O'Brien, S. P., & DiLalla,
D. L. (1996). Individuality and relatedness of the self: An autophotographic
study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 1268-1278.)
("Superficial" on AIQ-IV = 1 9 15 16 19)
use of an ad hoc "scale" of SP items and single items:
In a set of analyses of additional data from the sample described
above, Dollinger created a new AIQ-IIIx scale named "Academic
Identity" by summing 3 SP items pertaining to the importance
of career plans, academic performance, and the student role [AIQ-IIIx
SP's # 30, 32, & 34; M =11.9, SD = 2.0] to relate to Achievement
coding of the autophotography essays (obtained r = .27). In addition,
the AIQ religion item [CI # 10] correlated .16 with the Religion
photo code, and the AIQ-IIIx physical abilities item [AIQ-IIIx SP
# 27] correlated .23 with the Athletics code for the autobiographical
photo essays. (Dollinger, S. J. (1996). Autophotographic identities
of young adults: With special reference to alcohol, athletics, achievement,
religion and work. Journal of Personality Assessment , 67, 384-398.)
("Academic/college" on AIQ-IV = 36 40 44)
AIQ-IV #23 ('social class') loaded on both SI and CI in college students
(especially on SI at Dartmouth) but we expect it should probably
load as a CI item among non-college adults.
In general, the SP items are intended to provide at least single item assessment
of the subjective importance of dimensions that have been included in various
theories and measurement models of multidimensional self-esteem (e.g., Briggs,
S. R. & Cheek, J. M. (1986). The role of factor analysis in the development
and evaluation of personality scales. Journal of Personality, 54, 106-148.)