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Joseph DeMeis- Director
Marina Heinrich- Assistant Director

SPORTS MEDICINE COURSE- open to all students

Sports Medicine 205 combines the study of human anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics. Students focus on the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries. On-site labs provide a clinical setting for hands-on learning, such as interpreting findings on plain films, applying protective strapping to injured joints and developing protocols for rehabilitation. Students enjoy the culminating visit to Harvard Medical School for cadaver dissection.

Who takes this course?

Students interested in health professions enroll in this class as well as anyone who is interested in an active lifestyle and wants to better understand how to prevent injuries.

How do I stay involved after the course is over?

Students who have previously taken the Sports Medicine course are able to share their knowledge and skills with middle school and high school students in Boston local area schools. The middle school years are especially a critical time where students make academic choices that will influence their futures. Wellesley students will provide the energy, enthusiasm and encouragement for students to succeed in the sciences. Sports Medicine will provide a gateway for young students to think about careers in the health sciences and see themselves as emerging scientists in anatomical medicine.


Sports Medicine Main
Other (Non-Course) Opportunities in Sports Medicine