Language key: E = English; G = German;
G, E = German and English versions
General resources
Deutsches Filminstitut (G)
Provides information about films in the large archive of the German Film Institute. Start here to browse by film title or person, but be aware that this might not reveal all relevant information on the site. You may want to use the Recherchen (Search) function on the homepage for fuller coverage. The sitemap is also useful for uncovering buried information. A project on film censorship in Germany, 1920-1938, provides extensive information and documentation. A text archive includes information on historical film magazines.
- (G, E)
A project of the Deutsches Film Institut (see above), this comprehensive site includes information on many films of the 1920s, biographies of actors and directors, a film history timeline, and several illustrated essays about film in the Weimar Republic.
Film Museum Berlin (G, E)
The site features illustrated descriptions of the museum's archives and exhibitions, which include many films from the Weimar period, as well as information on accessing the museums large collection of films, screenplays, photos, programs, costumes, and other memorabilia.
The German-Hollywood Connection (E)
Focuses on German, Austrian, and Swiss émigrés who have had an impact on Hollywood cinema throughout its history. Includes a brief history of Ufa.
Cinema and Film Industry in Weimar Republic, 1918-1933 (E)
An excerpt from an unpublished Master's thesis.
Stanford University Libraries German Film Guide (E)
A well-organized, selective guide to print and online resources in German film studies.
German Cinema: A Selected Bibliography (E)
A large and up-to-date bibliography of books and journal articles based on the holding of the UC Berkeley Library, with a link to a large collection of relevant Web resources.
Research Guide in Film Studies (E)
An outstanding, comprehensive guide to print and online resources for film studies from the Yale University Library.
Female Filmworkers in Europe (G)
A searchable database focusing on the contributions of women directors, scriptwriters, producers, and camerawomen in Europe from the silent era to the present. A project of the Deutsches Film Institut.
Individual films, actors, and directors
Berlin: Symphony of a City (E)
An essay on the 1927 film by Allan James Thomas.
The Louise Brooks Society (E)
A site dedicated to the life and times of the silent film star Louise Brooks, who worked in Berlin as well as Hollywood. It includes articles, interviews, ephemera, photos, a filmography, commentary, bibliographies, and further links.
Fritz Lang: Master of Darkness (E)
The British Film Institute site provides an overview of Lang's life and work, a filmography, suggested reading, and some brief audio excerpts from a 1962 interview with Lang.
Fritz Lang's Metropolis (E)
Includes information about the film and many links for the film and the director.