Language key: E = English; G = German;
E, G = English and German versions
General resources
- Literatur in der Weimarer Republik (G)
- A brief overview of the literature of the period from the Deutsches Historisches Museum (German Historical Museum), with numerous hypertext links to additional pages on important figures, works, and movements.
- Von der Jahrhundertwende bis 1933 (G)
- An overview of the literary production and movements of the period from
- Literaturport Berlin-Brandenburg (G)
- A searchable lexicon provides information about authors and their relationship to places in Berlin and Brandenburg.
- International Dada Archive (E)
- Includes some of the major Dada-era publications, including books, pamphlets, and periodicals scanned in their entirety as images. There is also a searchable online catalog of the archive's holdings. The site is in English, but the documents are in German. At the University of Iowa Libraries.
- Dada Online (E)
- Includes texts of Dada poems and prose, information on Dada writers and artists, and images of Dada art.
- Expressionismus (G)
- A concise description of Expressionist poetry, drama, and prose, including characteristic themes and techniques.
- Expressionismus (G)
- An overview of Expressionist literature from
Neue Sachlichkeit
- Die Neue Sachlichkeit (G)
- A brief overview of Neue Sachlichkeit in its historical context, with links to further information about some writers and artists.
- Chapter on Neue Sachlichkeit from Writing Weimar (G)
- Click on "A sample of this book" to download the PDF file of "'Neue Sachlichkeit'": The Career of an Idea" from David Midgley's Writing Weimar: Critical Realism in German Literature, 1918-1933.
Individual writers
Bertolt Brecht
- International Brecht Society (E)
- An excellent starting point for information on all aspects of Brecht's life and work. Includes an index to the Yearbook of the Society, a bibliography, a chronology, a list of Brecht's works in English translation, and a large set of links to other Brecht sites.
Alfred Döblin
- Alfred Döblin link collection (G)
- An excellent annotated list of links to Web resources from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.
- The Berlin Novels of Alfred Döblin (E)
- The full text of David Dollenmayer's book.
- Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz (G)
- An article from Kindler's Neues Literaturlexikon.
- Alfred Döblin (E)
- A short biography and overview of his work.
Georg Kaiser
- Zwischen expressionistischer Vision und amerikanischer Revue (G)
- A review of Kaiser's life and work on the 125th anniversary of his birth, from
Erich Kästner
- Erich Kästner (G)
- A wonderful multimedia tour through the Berlin of Erich Kästner's hero Emil from his 1929 work Emil und die Detektive. Includes period photos, art, and excerpts from the book.
- Erich Kästner – Leben und Werk (G)
- A thorough chronicle of Kästner's life and work, with many links to additional resources.
Irmgard Keun
- Irmgard Keun (G)
- Created by a German Gymnasium class, this site includes analyses of some of Keun's works as well as biographical and historical information.
Egon Erwin Kisch
- Der Tagesschriftsteller (G)
- Essay in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Part of a series on great journalists.
- Egon Erwin Kisch: Journalist und Schriftsteller (G)
- An overview of Kisch's life and work from the Exil-Archiv, with a list of links to further resources.
Else Lasker-Schüler
- Else Lasker-Schüler (E, G)
- An extensive and well-organized collection of links on Lasker-Schüler's life and work, research and reception, and many other related topics. Includes many links to her poems in German, English, and other languages.
Walter Mehring
- Walter Mehring in the International Dada Archive (E)
- Links to scans of some of Mehring's publications.
Erich Mühsam
- Erich-Mühsam-Gesellschaft (G)
- Information about Mühsam's life and work as well as full-text selections from his poems and other works.
- Erich Mühsam (G)
- Includes a searchable bibliography and excerpts from his works.
Carl von Ossietzky
- Carl von Ossietzky (E)
- A biographical page from the Nobel e-Museum about the Berlin journalist and pacifist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935.
Anna Seghers
- Anna Seghers (G)
- Includes biographical information, bibliographies, and links to additional sites.
Ernst Toller
- Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft (E, G)
- Includes biographical and bibliographical information.
- Ernst Toller link collection (G)
- A list of links with short annotations from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.
Kurt Tucholsky
- Kurt Tucholsky-Gesellschaft (G)
- The Web site of the German Tucholsky Society provides a wealth of information, including a detailed timeline of Tucholsky's life and work, a look at his development as a writer interwoven with links to exemplary texts, a selective bibliography of primary and secondary works, links to newspaper articles that deal with Tucholsky, and links to additional resources.
- Kurt Tucholsky (G)
- An extensive list of resources, including links to full-text versions of Tucholsky's prose and poems.
- Kurt Tucholsky at (G)
- Full-text versions of many works by Tucholsky.
- Kurt Tucholsky (G)
- Information about various aspects of Tucholsky's life and work presented by the Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesamtschule in Minden, Germany. Click on one of the categories under "Kurt Tucholsky" on the left-hand side. A Hörbuch includes audio files of some Tucholsky texts.
- Kurt Tucholsky link collection (G)
- A large list of links with short annotations from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.