
  Literature & Journalism

General resources  |  Movements  |  Individual writers  |

Language key: E = English; G = German;
E, G = English and German versions

 General resources 

 Literatur in der Weimarer Republik (G)
A brief overview of the literature of the period from the Deutsches Historisches Museum (German Historical Museum), with numerous hypertext links to additional pages on important figures, works, and movements.
 Von der Jahrhundertwende bis 1933 (G)
An overview of the literary production and movements of the period from Xlibris.de.
 Literaturport Berlin-Brandenburg (G)
A searchable lexicon provides information about authors and their relationship to places in Berlin and Brandenburg.
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 International Dada Archive (E)
Includes some of the major Dada-era publications, including books, pamphlets, and periodicals scanned in their entirety as images. There is also a searchable online catalog of the archive's holdings. The site is in English, but the documents are in German. At the University of Iowa Libraries.
 Dada Online (E)
Includes texts of Dada poems and prose, information on Dada writers and artists, and images of Dada art.


 Expressionismus (G)
A concise description of Expressionist poetry, drama, and prose, including characteristic themes and techniques.
 Expressionismus (G)
An overview of Expressionist literature from literaturwelt.com.

Neue Sachlichkeit

 Die Neue Sachlichkeit (G)
A brief overview of Neue Sachlichkeit in its historical context, with links to further information about some writers and artists.
 Chapter on Neue Sachlichkeit from Writing Weimar (G)
Click on "A sample of this book" to download the PDF file of "'Neue Sachlichkeit'": The Career of an Idea" from David Midgley's Writing Weimar: Critical Realism in German Literature, 1918-1933.
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 Individual writers 

Bertolt Brecht

 International Brecht Society (E)
An excellent starting point for information on all aspects of Brecht's life and work. Includes an index to the Yearbook of the Society, a bibliography, a chronology, a list of Brecht's works in English translation, and a large set of links to other Brecht sites.

Alfred Döblin

 Alfred Döblin link collection (G)
An excellent annotated list of links to Web resources from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.
 The Berlin Novels of Alfred Döblin (E)
The full text of David Dollenmayer's book.
 Alfred Döblin: Berlin Alexanderplatz (G)
An article from Kindler's Neues Literaturlexikon.
 Alfred Döblin (E)
A short biography and overview of his work.

Georg Kaiser

 Zwischen expressionistischer Vision und amerikanischer Revue (G)
A review of Kaiser's life and work on the 125th anniversary of his birth, from Literaturkritik.de.

Erich Kästner

 Erich Kästner (G)
A wonderful multimedia tour through the Berlin of Erich Kästner's hero Emil from his 1929 work Emil und die Detektive. Includes period photos, art, and excerpts from the book.
 Erich Kästner – Leben und Werk (G)
A thorough chronicle of Kästner's life and work, with many links to additional resources.

Irmgard Keun

 Irmgard Keun (G)
Created by a German Gymnasium class, this site includes analyses of some of Keun's works as well as biographical and historical information.

Egon Erwin Kisch

 Der Tagesschriftsteller (G)
Essay in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Part of a series on great journalists.
 Egon Erwin Kisch: Journalist und Schriftsteller (G)
An overview of Kisch's life and work from the Exil-Archiv, with a list of links to further resources.

Else Lasker-Schüler

 Else Lasker-Schüler (E, G)
An extensive and well-organized collection of links on Lasker-Schüler's life and work, research and reception, and many other related topics. Includes many links to her poems in German, English, and other languages.

Walter Mehring

 Walter Mehring in the International Dada Archive (E)
Links to scans of some of Mehring's publications.

Erich Mühsam

 Erich-Mühsam-Gesellschaft (G)
Information about Mühsam's life and work as well as full-text selections from his poems and other works.
 Erich Mühsam (G)
Includes a searchable bibliography and excerpts from his works.

Carl von Ossietzky

 Carl von Ossietzky (E)
A biographical page from the Nobel e-Museum about the Berlin journalist and pacifist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1935.

Anna Seghers

 Anna Seghers (G)
Includes biographical information, bibliographies, and links to additional sites.

Ernst Toller

 Ernst-Toller-Gesellschaft (E, G)
Includes biographical and bibliographical information.
 Ernst Toller link collection (G)
A list of links with short annotations from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.

Kurt Tucholsky

 Kurt Tucholsky-Gesellschaft (G)
The Web site of the German Tucholsky Society provides a wealth of information, including a detailed timeline of Tucholsky's life and work, a look at his development as a writer interwoven with links to exemplary texts, a selective bibliography of primary and secondary works, links to newspaper articles that deal with Tucholsky, and links to additional resources.
 Kurt Tucholsky (G)
An extensive list of resources, including links to full-text versions of Tucholsky's prose and poems.
 Kurt Tucholsky at textlog.de (G)
Full-text versions of many works by Tucholsky.
 Kurt Tucholsky (G)
Information about various aspects of Tucholsky's life and work presented by the Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesamtschule in Minden, Germany. Click on one of the categories under "Kurt Tucholsky" on the left-hand side. A Hörbuch includes audio files of some Tucholsky texts.
 Kurt Tucholsky link collection (G)
A large list of links with short annotations from the Library of the Free University of Berlin.
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