Language key: E = English; G = German;
G, E = German and English versions
German Cabaret Links (E)
- A variety of links on German cabaret, both current and historical, from Alan Lareau at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
The German Cabaret (E)
- A brief but good historical overview, with images.
Kabarett (Weimarer Republik) (G)
- Although the focus of this article from the Historisches Lexikon Bayerns is on Munich, there is considerable information about cabaret in Berlin as well.
Song, Dance, Alcohol and Politics in 20th Century German Cabarets (E)
- Part of a Web site created by students in a senior history seminar at Cornell University.
See also under Individual artists below and in Literature and Journalism.
Individual artists 
Anita Berber
Anita Berber (G)
- Biography of the cabaret performer and erotic dancer.
Anita Berber: Göttin der Nacht (G)
- Biography, photos, and reception history.
The Comedian Harmonists
The Web's Resources for the Comedian Harmonists (G, E)
- A very rich site by six fans of this close-harmony group that was founded in Berlin in 1928 and took Germany by a storm, until the Nazis prohibited the three Jewish members from performing. Includes a history of the group, biographical sketches, photos, audio files of songs and interviews with the group, an extensive library of lyrics, PDF files of concert programs and articles, and a large list of links to further information.
The Comedian Harmonists (G)
- Another good site with history, lyrics, a discography, a discussion forum, and information on the 1997 film about the group.
Hans Eisler
Hanns Eisler (E)
- An excellent resource produced by The North American Hanns Eisler Society. In addition to information about Eisler's life and music, there is a discussion forum; a list of CDs, videos, and books; links to related sites; and audio files of several of Eisler's songs, with translations given in English.
Friedrich Hollaender
Frederick Hollander Music (E, G)
- Information on the life and work of the composer Hollaender, who wrote film music and was active in the Berlin cabaret scene in the 1920s, collaborating with many writers, including Kurt Tucholsky and Walter Mehring. Presented by the official publisher of Hollaender's music, this site provides a brief biography, a song catalogue, audio clips of Hollaender's works sung by a variety of artists, a filmography, a list of books about Hollaender, and links to additional resources.
Lotte Lenya
Lotte Lenya (E)
- The Kurt Weill Foundation site contains considerable information on Lotte Lenya, including a biography, a detailed chronology of her career, a list of works by and about Lenya, a discography, and a number of audio files.
Erwin Piscator
Piscators Theater (G)
- A comprehensive site devoted to the life and work of the German theater director, including a 125-page bibliography available to download and a large collection of links.
Max Reinhardt
Max Reinhardt Archives and Library (E)
- Overview of Reinhardt's life and work and of the collection at Binghamton University.
Claire Waldoff
Claire Waldoff Biographie (G)
- A concise biography of the Berlin actress and cabaret singer Claire Waldoff from FemBio, with suggestions for further reading.
Claire Waldoff Biographie (G)
- Another brief biography from the Deutsches Historisches Museum.
Musiktheater Claire Waldoff (G)
- A musical theater duo interpret Waldoff's life and songs. Includes audio files of some songs.
Kurt Weill
Kurt Weill Foundation (E)
- This comprehensive site includes biographical information, a chronology of Weill's career, suggested reading, a discography, audio files, and a catalog of works by title, date, and genre.
Kurt Weill/Bertolt Brecht: Die Dreigroschenoper (G)
- A brief introduction to this collaboration between Brecht and Weill, which became the greatest theater success of the 1920s.
For more on Brecht, see Literature and Journalism.